Sunday, November 3, 2013

THIS IZ HOUR STATE BITCHES!!111!!!  YES!!11!!!  Hole uyp and lemme drop some KNOWLIDGE on you WUFFPECKERS!!  ownED!!!  MY HEELs curb stomped your logo adn your LIVES yesterday, HA HA HAAAA!!!!  ARRRGGHHHH.

So you thot you cold STEAL our LOGOS?  WhAT????  NO WAY hosay!!!  And we own YOUR LOGOS TOO!!!! A HA HA HA YEAYAH!!!

NOw WE OWN THE EAST AND THE WEST - ARGGGHHHH!  Greenville in the EAST and Chapel HILL in the WEST!!!!  YES!!!  Some fool told me that chapel hill was in the middle but I know it is WEST becauz it has HILL in it's NAME IDIOTS and the hills are in teh West portion of OUR STATE YES!!!!!  OwNaGE!!!!!!

And my boy EBRON - he speaks for hisself FOOLS!  Listen to this AWsOM interview where he tells everyone he know his name!!!  Errbody can say Eric but you KNOW EBRON!  KNOWLIDGE - EDUCASHUN!!!!  I am SO HAPPY to be afflinate with STOODENT athlete!  DO YOU HEAR THIS WOOOF PUPPIES?  I KNOW all of my UNC dawgs can say their name and I bet almost all my ECU dizawgs can say their names too!!  YES - BRILLIANCE!!!!

 WAIT TIL BASKETBALL!!!  YES!  I know ROY is gunna have PJ ready - PAID?!!?  CHeck.  High as a motha?? CHIZECK!!!  STRAPPED?!?!?  HELL YES!!! An JUS' LIKE OJ, akwitted BITCHES - take it PUPPIES!!!  ROLLIN' DIRTY FOOLS!!!  YES!!!  I have never KNOwn so much paidness to reach a level of PJ, he drives 150 mph with the RAG TOP down so his HAIR CAN BLOW.

I also saw when I was checking my hotmail and mackin' females at the internets cafe that WRAL is doing a INVESTIGASHUN of the WOOFPECKERS!!!  Don't YOU IDIOTS know you don't SELF REPORT voilashuns?!?!?  HA HA HA NO!!!  YOU LAWYUR up BITCHES!  DAMN!  COME ON ROOKIES!  Self report?  A HA HA HA - LEARN THE CAROLINA WAY - CHEAT, LIE, LAWYER UP, KEEP CHEATING!!!!  YES!!!! HA HA HA - ALL WE DO IS WIN, ALL WE DO IS WIN!!!!!!  STAY UP PLAYAS!!!!  OFF TO WALMART TO GET SOME GEAR, VICTORy, YES!!!  TARRRRRRRRRRRR PIRATE!!!!!!!!!!