Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A HA HAHHAHH YES!!!  SO wolfPUPPIES the time has come for BUTCH DAVIES to extend his ever incraeasing lead on TOM o'BRAIN in the race for EXCELLENCE!  WE have beaten the CRIMINOLES and when is the last time NC STATE can say this?!!?!  HA!  PROLLY NEVAR!!!!  So WHAT if we lost tot the CHOKIES I will EAT them next THURSDAY w/ my UNC BASKETBALL HAT and PIRATE jammie bottoms ON!  EXPANDING WAISTLINE BITCHES!!!!  THAT'S HOW TAR PIRATES ROLL ON THANKSGIVING!!!  EATING HOKIES and BEATING WOLFpuppies.

And let me tell you something about Russel Wiltson - I just heard he was getting PAID by the COlarodo Rockies!  TAR PIRATE INVESTIGATES - I WNAT ANSWERS!  YOU diss big MARV and GREGGIE LITTLE for getting paid but Russell is getting paid too.....  PLZ EXPLAIN!  THIS IS CHEATING.

Hang in there Austin, LIttle, Burney, MCAaddo, RAMSeay, ...... I forget the rest of the suspsended ones but the ASSHOLES NCAAs will soon see the eror of their way adn we will overcome!  UH.... in case you WUFFIES didn't notice the NCAAs already gave us an extra championshiop from 1824 or something..... what makes you think we won't get our BOYZ back?!?!?  A AH AH AHAH!!! IN the WoRds of the GREATEST MANLY ROCK STAR OF ALL TIMES - GEORGE MICHAEL - YOU GOTSTA HAVE FAITH!!!!  I MEAN LOOK AT HIS ASS!  WHAT IS RIGHT ABOVE IT!!?!??!?  REVENGE BITCHES ...... YES!!!!  LOOK AT HIS ASS YES  YES!!!!!  REVEnGE!!!!!

OH YEAH!  And when my MAN George Michael turns around his JACKET SAYS USA!!!!  TAKE THAT JAVIER GONZALES!!!  SUCK MY NUTS!!!  TAR PIRATE!!! USA!  USA!!

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