Thursday, May 20, 2010

CONGRATS to the soon to be NEWEST TAR PIRATE!!!!!

I just wanted to give a shoot out to my PEEPS from down in Gum Swamp. Myrtle (has a ECU trailer hitch) and Jedediah (has a UNC mesh cap) tole me that they are GARANTEED to be having a boy and he will be getting a one-zie that has the PIRATE as the top part and the TAR HEEL as the bottom part that the little feller will take MONSTER tar pirate shits in. I would have never thunk when they got hitched at the Gum Swamp Free Will Baptist Church outside Greenville 2 months ago they'd already be havin' a little TAR PIRATE!!

We are havin' them up at the house for some squirrel next month to watch the VCR tapes of the BUTCH DAVIES national SPRING game!!!!! YES!!! Then we are going to watch Pirates of the Caribeeen b/c we want to make sure little PLAYAH from teh fruits of Myrtle and Jedediah's sex is fully on the TAR PIRATE wagon. TAR PIRATES!!! WE DON'T DIE WE MULtIpLY!!!!! WORD!!!

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