Thursday, November 12, 2009


OK Let's See - Joe is the commissioner and he went to the PACK
Jordan is the most awesomest fantasy player and he went to the PACK
Jamie is the biggest ASS hole in fantasy and he beat my ass this week and he went to the PACK.

This is a damn CONSPIRACY folks!!  I am super serious, so I go to the ECU and then I am on the TAR HEEL FAN CLUB and suddenly my team sux and I am getting my ASS whipped week in and week out??!?!?!?  How can I scor 144 points and still get my ass whupped???  I'll tell you why because Jamie and Joe and Jordan and Craig and fucking AUSTIN are conspiring all over my ASS.

I'd be undefeated like the DAMN YANKEES my favorite team after the TAR CATS/Lakers and Pittsburgh if it wasn't for all the PACK conspiracies.  TAKE THIS FUCKERS!!!!!  BELOW PIC SHOWS PIRATE POWERS!!!!!!

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